Dear User,
We have updated your SiSoT system with a couple of improvements regarding Stocktake Settings
Stocktake Setting
We have added Start Now and Stop buttons into Stocktake Settings, so that stocktake can be started and ended immediately.
For example, stocktake can be started with the Start Now button and set for the duration of 1 day, but if the user finishes it earlier then Stop button can be clicked to end stocktake and proceed with Reconciliation. Previous Stocktake Settings options are also available ie. start and end time of the stocktake can be chosen from the date and time picker.
Container Tracking
A Filter button has been placed into the folder tree area to enable users to filter for the locations which contain the searched material.
Note that when clicking the “Track” button highlights the folders which contain the searched material, but the whole folder tree is also displayed.
However, clicking on the “Filter” button only shows the folders where the material is stored and the parent folders of the actual storage locations where applicable.
See attached file for an overview of the improvements.
For more information, contact your Chemwatch account manager or email or use the live chat
The Sisot Settings mode provides the domain administrator Sisot-specific settings to ensure that the system is set up properly using the following tabs.
Barcode generation rules
Address Book
Container Wizard
Barcode Settings
Barcode Tab | Setting Description |
Barcode Generation Settings |
Barcode Printing |
Barcode Input Rules | Validated count symbols – set the boundary values to validate the count of symbols, default value is set between 1 and 999. |
Barcode Uniqueness |
Folders Barcodes | Folders barcodes are enabled when setting checkbox is selected, this attribute provides the ability to use barcodes on folders within the tree structure. |
Barcode Symbology | This refers to the encoding of the information into the barcode image. Please choose the type of barcode to be used for each of the following templates:
Mobile Scanner | Generate the barcode external scanner by copying the URL (web address). |
Approval Settings
Approval Tab | Setting Description |
Shopping |
Stocktake & Reconciliation | Select the checkbox to “Mark misplaced containers with quarantine status”. |
Transfer |
Stocktake Settings
Stocktake Tab | Setting Description |
Set up Future Stocktake |
Stocktake History | Download Stocktake History Report |
Reconciliation Settings
Reconciliation Tab | Setting Description |
Set up Reconciliation Status | Set up reconciliation default status for LOST items from the dropdown menu:
Choose a waste location folder from the tree structure. |
Address Book Settings
Address Book Tab | Setting Description |
Add details of Company and Contact | Create an address book, choose the address book type from the dropdown list options and provide information about the company, contact name address details:
Costcodes Settings
CostCodes Tab | Setting Description |
Add Cost Codes | Create costcodes to be used for described projects within your scope of business for the ease of tracking, managing and reporting on container transactions. Costcodes are generally a grouping of individual costs based on their nature of function and usually contain numeric characters within a project or account title related to a job or activity or transaction, e.g., Painting cost code 09900. A costcode as a unique value may relate to a number used in a company’s financial software or package to track each cost code across the business cycle. A costcode identifies a task within a job and related activity such as labour or materials and cost type. |
Containers Settings
Containers Tab | Setting Description |
Select Container Owner From | Choose an option from the radio buttons to apply the one that must be used to select container owner from:
Expiry Date Report | Choose the schedule time frame to send report/reports of containers in the next by selecting the applicable checkbox:
Choose the schedule appropriate to send a report/reports about containers that have already expired within the last…
Receipt Expiry Report | Select the type of user who should receive the expiry date report from the given checkbox options:
Other Settings |
Note that the Emulate button helps to reproduce the function or action. |
Waste Settings
Waste Tab | Setting Description |
Waste Expiry | Set the automatic expiry number of days from the give options.
Container Wizard Settings
Waste Tab | Setting Description |
Container Wizard |